Posts Tagged ‘She


Why Germans Work Fewer Hours But Produce More: A Study In Culture


When many Americans think of Germany, images of WWII soldiers and Hitler often come to mind. But what many people don’t realize is that Germany is the industrial powerhouse of Europe, and is a leading manufacturer of goods for export to developing Asian nations. We don’t hear about the superiority of German engineering in Volkswagen commercials for nothing!

The economic engine of the EU, Germany single-handedly saved the Eurozone from collapse in 2012. At the same time, German workers enjoy unparalleled worker protections and shorter working hours than most of their global counterparts. How can a country that works an average of 35 hours per week (with an average 24 paid vacation days to boot) maintain such a high level of productivity?

Working Hours Mean Working Hours

In German business culture, when an employee is at work, they should not be doing anything other than their work. Facebook, office gossip with co-workers, trolling Reddit for hours, and pulling up a fake spreadsheet when your boss walks by are socially unacceptable behaviors. Obviously, in the United States these behaviors are frowned up on by management. But in Germany, there is zero tolerance among peers for such frivolous activities.

In the BBC documentary “Make Me A German“,  a young German woman explained her culture shock while on a working exchange to the UK.

“I was in England for an exchange… I was in the office and the people are talking all the time about their private things… ‘What’s the plan for tonight?’, and all the time drinking coffee…”

She was quite surprised by the casual nature of British workers. Upon further discussion, the Germans reveal that Facebook is not allowed in the office whatsoever, and no private email is permitted.

Goal-Oriented, Direct Communication Is Valued

German business culture is one of intense focus and direct communication. While Americans tend to value small talk and maintaining an upbeat atmosphere, Germans rarely beat around the bush. German workers will directly speak to a manager about performance reviews, launch into a business meeting without any ‘icebreakers’, and use commanding language without softening the directives with polite phrases.Whereas an American would say, “It would be great if you could get this to me by 3pm,” a German would say, “I need this by 3pm”.

When a German is at work, they are focused and diligent, which in turn leads to higher productivity in a shorter period of time.

Germans Have a Life Outside Work

Germans work hard and play hard. Since the working day is focused on delivering efficient productivity, the off hours are truly off hours. Because of the focused atmosphere and formal environment of German businesses, employees don’t necessarily hang out together after work. Germans generally value a separation between private life and working life.

The German government is currently considering a ban on work-related emails after 6pm, to counter the accessibility that smartphones and constant connectivity give employers to their employees. Can you imagine President Obama enacting such a policy in the United States?

To occupy their plentiful Freizeit, most Germans are involved in Verein (clubs); regularly meeting others with shared interests in their community. Common interests in Germany include Sportvereine (sports clubs), Gesangvereine (choirs or singing clubs), Musikvereine(music clubs), Wandervereine (hiking clubs), Tierzuchtvereine (animal breeding clubs – generally rabbits/pigeons) and collectors’ clubs of all stripes. Even the smallest village in Germany will have several active Vereinen to accommodate residents’ interests. Rather than settling in for a night of TV after work, most Germans socialize with others in their community and cultivate themselves as people.

Germans also enjoy a high number of paid vacation days, with many salaried employees receiving 25-30 paid days (the law requires 20). Extended holidays mean families can enjoy up to a month together, renting an apartment by the seaside or taking a long trip to a new, exciting city.

Business Respects Parenthood

Germany’s system of Elternzeit (“parent time” or parental leave) is the stuff of fantasy for most working Americans. The United States does not currently have laws requiring maternity leave, while Germany has some of the most extensive parental protection policies in the developed world. The downside of these maternity leave benefits is that employers may avoid hiring women (with the fear that they will take advantage of the extensive benefits), and German boardrooms are consistently male-dominated at a higher rate than other developed nations, although the government is working to eradicate this trend. The financial benefits of staying home (from both Elternzeitand Elterngeld or parents’ money programs) are often too good to pass up for German mothers, and can lead to stagnant or non-existent careers.

Since “at will” employment does not exist in Germany, all employees have contracts with their employer. Parents who have been gainfully employed for the previous 12 months are eligible for Elternzeit benefits, which include up to three years of unpaid leave with a “sleeping” contract. The employee is eligible to work part-time up to 30 hours while on leave, and must be offered full-time employment at the conclusion of the parental leave. Parents may also choose to postpone up to one year of their leave until the child’s 8th birthday. Either parent is eligible for parental leave, and many couples make the choice based on financial considerations.

In addition to the preservation of the employee’s contract, the state will pay up 67% of the employee’s salary (with a cap of 1800 Euros per month) for 14 months. Parents may split the 14 months however they choose. These benefits apply equally to same-sex couples.

Have you picked your jaw up off the floor yet?


Put Some German In Your Office

The German work culture is very different from the average American office, but there are certainly lessons to be learned from our German counterparts. The diligent focus Germans bring to their working life is to be admired. Separating work from play can help us lead a more balanced life; putting the phone down after hours gives us a mental break from stressing about work, and we can return to the office refreshed in the morning. When it’s time to get something done, closing Facebook and turning off push notifications helps keep our minds quiet and the flow steady. Direct conversation can lead to increased efficiency, and more clarity of communication among team members.

Americans often equate longer hours with increased production and superior work ethic, but examining the German model makes one wonder: When it comes to time at work, maybe less really is more!


What Women Really Mean…

I hope you’re sitting down… because what I’m about to share with you will change how you view women and dating. I’m about to take you “behind the scenes” in the female mind. I’m going to give you a perspective that most men never see or realize.

Unfortunately for most guys, not seeing things the way I’m about to share with you keeps them trapped in their own little world of failure. If you pay careful attention to the things I’m about to reveal to you, you’ll definitely have more success with women.


Have you ever heard a woman say something like:
“I want a guy who is sensitive.”
“I want a guy who’s in touch with his feelings.”
“I want a guy who’s a good communicator.”
“I want a guy who is strong.”
“I want a guy who is sexy.”

Of course you have. Women say this stuff all the time. One of my favourites is:
“I want a REAL MAN.” I love that one.

In the past, when I’d hear women say “I want a REAL MAN” I had NO IDEA what the hell they were talking about. It almost didn’t make sense. But keep in mind; even though these things don’t always make sense to us guys, they make PERFECT sense to women. Here’s the problem…

When a woman says one of these things, she actually MEANS something that is different from what a guy would mean if he said the same words.

Let me explain.
If a guy says “I’m going to stay home and relax today”, he probably means that he’s going to stay home, watch some sports, drink a beer, look at pictures of women on the internet, and order a pizza.

If a WOMAN says that she’s going to stay home and relax, she’s probably NOT going to watch some sports, drink a beer, look at pictures of women on the internet, and order a pizza.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are reading this right now and you are a woman who watches sports, drinks beer, looks at pictures of the women on the internet, and orders pizza to relax, then contact me immediately at the email address below. And send pictures. Back to what I was saying…

Women are DIFFERENT from men. And the words they use often don’t mean what they SOUND like they mean. So the FIRST thing that you have to get through your head is that just because a woman SAYS something to you doesn’t mean that it means what you THINK it means. Catch my meaning?


There’s a little secret that women never happen to mention when they’re describing what they want in a man. Unfortunately for all of us good guys who are trying to be what women want… and hoping that if we try hard enough to please women that they’ll like us… this little secret is causing us a LOT of trouble. The SECRET is that women ONLY want the things that they’re asking for from a guy who already has about 100 other qualities that they never mention.

In other words, if a woman says “I want a man who is a good communicator”, what she REALLY means is: “I want a guy who already has his life together, is interesting, unpredictable, dominant, funny, healthy, charismatic, confident, and loyal… who is ALSO a good communicator.” The REALITY is that when a woman says one of these “I want a guy who” statements, she actually has an IDEAL guy in mind, who ALSO happens to be a good communicator.

She’s NOT imagining Homer Simpson sitting on his couch reading a book on communication. The reality of this situation is that what women REALLY want is a man who makes them feel the emotional and physical response that I like to call ATTRACTION. They want a man who makes them FEEL IT. But most women either can’t describe the things that actually make her feel ATTRACTION, or they don’t WANT to have to describe them, because they want a man who already IS those things… without having to learn them.

Think about it.

If you were hiring a bodyguard, would you want one that said “Yea, I can be a bodyguard. Just give me some time to learn…” or would you want one that already KNEW how to kick ass anytime, anywhere without having to learn?


Well same goes with women. They don’t WANT a guy that they have to train. If you don’t already have the UNIVERSAL FOUNDATION of what attracts women, then no amount of changing and improving things like your communication and sensitivity is going to help you.


Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of a “Real Man”. You hear both women and men using the term. But what does it actually MEAN? And is it important?

Well, after thinking about this particular topic for a long time, I’ve come to the conclusion that it is a VERY important topic. At this point, I believe that a REAL MAN is this “ideal” that women imagine when they’re saying “I want a guy who is sensitive”. They’re thinking of the REAL MAN, and then they’re imagining him ALSO being sensitive. There are a lot of aspects to this REAL MAN. Here are a few that are important:

-Lack of Insecurities
…and the list goes on.

It’s actually not easy to describe a REAL MAN in a few sentences… but I’ll tell you what… a woman can recognize one INSTANTLY.


Now, a common mistake that men make is taking something that a woman SAYS that she wants, and doing it TOO MUCH, thinking that if “A little bit is good, then more must be better”. For instance, a woman SAYS that she likes guys who are “thoughtful”. So you go out and buy her a bunch of gifts, and give her cute cards every time you see her, and call her all the time to tell her that you miss her.

What happens? She leaves you for her jerk ex-boyfriend.


This would be kind of like a woman saying “My favorite food is chocolate” and then you thinking it would be good to feed her chocolate for every meal just because it’s her favorite… or adding chocolate to every single dish you make for her from now on… and forgetting that 97% of what she eats still needs to be OTHER FOODS.

Let me land the plane for you.

Women don’t MEAN what you THINK they mean when they talk about what they want in a man. And if you take the things women say too literally, you’re going to wind up shooting yourself in the foot.


So let me “decode” what women “really” mean when they say common things. Consider this your own personal “female language translator”. Refer to it often.

“I want a guy who is sensitive.”

“I want a guy who is busy doing his own thing in life, who has goals and objectives… who has passion for things. If we’re out together, he always keeps me on my toes, and I’m always wondering what’s going to happen next. He’s challenging, interesting, and funny. I would really like it if he was also sensitive enough to know when I need a hug, or to be held, or when I want him to make love to me.” Does this make sense?

Again, she’s not imagining a picture of a boring, predictable, Wussy who is sharing his hurt feelings because he’s so “sensitive”. Big difference.

“I want a guy who is in touch with his feelings.”

“I want a guy who is strong-willed, and who doesn’t get upset about petty things… a guy who can deal with the fact that I freak out emotionally sometimes… and who knows how to be cool when things are tough. But I also want him to be in touch with his feelings so that:
1) He doesn’t repress his emotions and then eventually kill 10 people in his workplace, and
2) When he’s intimate with me, and he feels a passionate rush… he’ll grab me and make love to me like a beast!”

What she’s NOT doing is making a picture of a meek, afraid guy who calls all the time to ask “Do you like me? Because I sure like you”.

“I want a guy who’s a good communicator.”

“I want a guy who doesn’t talk all the time, because he knows how to let me know what’s on his mind without using words. I want the kind of guy that can touch me in a certain way and I feel tingles all over my body. And I want the kind of guy that can say things in a way that I understand… not crudely and man-like.”


You’ll often hear women saying that they want a “Sexy Man”. Now, I USED to think that they meant that they wanted a PHYSICALLY ATTRACTIVE man when they said this. Sometimes this is exactly what they mean when they use the term “sexy”. But I’ve found that, most of the time, women mean something TOTALLY different when they use the term “sexy”.

You see, a woman generally bases more of her life around what she FEELS than a man does. And the concept of “sexy” is usually used to describe the way a man makes a woman FEEL than it is used to describe how HE LOOKS. Think about women’s romance novels for a moment. Women’s romance novels account for about a fifth of ALL BOOKS SOLD.

What do these books contain?
WORDS. Words that DESCRIBE things. Descriptions that make women FEEL things. My point: If you want to learn how to be a “sexy man”, then the way you LOOK isn’t the most IMPORTANT thing.

I’ll tell you something, too. Learning the secrets of being a “sexy man” can be a very rewarding experience. A lot of guys out there, including me, know EXACTLY what it’s like to be either on a date with, or in a relationship with a woman who has NO INTENTION of being with you “physically”. In other words, she’s just not feeling that powerful “sexual” ATTRACTION for you. And you don’t know how to MAKE her feel it. Well, let me tell you…

Just like all the other things that a woman “says” that she wants in a man… that most men don’t ever “get”, being SEXY is one of the BIG ONES. If you understand the secrets of being SEXY, you will notice that women start to behave VERY differently around you.


May 2024

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