Posts Tagged ‘Her


Why Germans Work Fewer Hours But Produce More: A Study In Culture


When many Americans think of Germany, images of WWII soldiers and Hitler often come to mind. But what many people don’t realize is that Germany is the industrial powerhouse of Europe, and is a leading manufacturer of goods for export to developing Asian nations. We don’t hear about the superiority of German engineering in Volkswagen commercials for nothing!

The economic engine of the EU, Germany single-handedly saved the Eurozone from collapse in 2012. At the same time, German workers enjoy unparalleled worker protections and shorter working hours than most of their global counterparts. How can a country that works an average of 35 hours per week (with an average 24 paid vacation days to boot) maintain such a high level of productivity?

Working Hours Mean Working Hours

In German business culture, when an employee is at work, they should not be doing anything other than their work. Facebook, office gossip with co-workers, trolling Reddit for hours, and pulling up a fake spreadsheet when your boss walks by are socially unacceptable behaviors. Obviously, in the United States these behaviors are frowned up on by management. But in Germany, there is zero tolerance among peers for such frivolous activities.

In the BBC documentary “Make Me A German“,  a young German woman explained her culture shock while on a working exchange to the UK.

“I was in England for an exchange… I was in the office and the people are talking all the time about their private things… ‘What’s the plan for tonight?’, and all the time drinking coffee…”

She was quite surprised by the casual nature of British workers. Upon further discussion, the Germans reveal that Facebook is not allowed in the office whatsoever, and no private email is permitted.

Goal-Oriented, Direct Communication Is Valued

German business culture is one of intense focus and direct communication. While Americans tend to value small talk and maintaining an upbeat atmosphere, Germans rarely beat around the bush. German workers will directly speak to a manager about performance reviews, launch into a business meeting without any ‘icebreakers’, and use commanding language without softening the directives with polite phrases.Whereas an American would say, “It would be great if you could get this to me by 3pm,” a German would say, “I need this by 3pm”.

When a German is at work, they are focused and diligent, which in turn leads to higher productivity in a shorter period of time.

Germans Have a Life Outside Work

Germans work hard and play hard. Since the working day is focused on delivering efficient productivity, the off hours are truly off hours. Because of the focused atmosphere and formal environment of German businesses, employees don’t necessarily hang out together after work. Germans generally value a separation between private life and working life.

The German government is currently considering a ban on work-related emails after 6pm, to counter the accessibility that smartphones and constant connectivity give employers to their employees. Can you imagine President Obama enacting such a policy in the United States?

To occupy their plentiful Freizeit, most Germans are involved in Verein (clubs); regularly meeting others with shared interests in their community. Common interests in Germany include Sportvereine (sports clubs), Gesangvereine (choirs or singing clubs), Musikvereine(music clubs), Wandervereine (hiking clubs), Tierzuchtvereine (animal breeding clubs – generally rabbits/pigeons) and collectors’ clubs of all stripes. Even the smallest village in Germany will have several active Vereinen to accommodate residents’ interests. Rather than settling in for a night of TV after work, most Germans socialize with others in their community and cultivate themselves as people.

Germans also enjoy a high number of paid vacation days, with many salaried employees receiving 25-30 paid days (the law requires 20). Extended holidays mean families can enjoy up to a month together, renting an apartment by the seaside or taking a long trip to a new, exciting city.

Business Respects Parenthood

Germany’s system of Elternzeit (“parent time” or parental leave) is the stuff of fantasy for most working Americans. The United States does not currently have laws requiring maternity leave, while Germany has some of the most extensive parental protection policies in the developed world. The downside of these maternity leave benefits is that employers may avoid hiring women (with the fear that they will take advantage of the extensive benefits), and German boardrooms are consistently male-dominated at a higher rate than other developed nations, although the government is working to eradicate this trend. The financial benefits of staying home (from both Elternzeitand Elterngeld or parents’ money programs) are often too good to pass up for German mothers, and can lead to stagnant or non-existent careers.

Since “at will” employment does not exist in Germany, all employees have contracts with their employer. Parents who have been gainfully employed for the previous 12 months are eligible for Elternzeit benefits, which include up to three years of unpaid leave with a “sleeping” contract. The employee is eligible to work part-time up to 30 hours while on leave, and must be offered full-time employment at the conclusion of the parental leave. Parents may also choose to postpone up to one year of their leave until the child’s 8th birthday. Either parent is eligible for parental leave, and many couples make the choice based on financial considerations.

In addition to the preservation of the employee’s contract, the state will pay up 67% of the employee’s salary (with a cap of 1800 Euros per month) for 14 months. Parents may split the 14 months however they choose. These benefits apply equally to same-sex couples.

Have you picked your jaw up off the floor yet?


Put Some German In Your Office

The German work culture is very different from the average American office, but there are certainly lessons to be learned from our German counterparts. The diligent focus Germans bring to their working life is to be admired. Separating work from play can help us lead a more balanced life; putting the phone down after hours gives us a mental break from stressing about work, and we can return to the office refreshed in the morning. When it’s time to get something done, closing Facebook and turning off push notifications helps keep our minds quiet and the flow steady. Direct conversation can lead to increased efficiency, and more clarity of communication among team members.

Americans often equate longer hours with increased production and superior work ethic, but examining the German model makes one wonder: When it comes to time at work, maybe less really is more!


St. Valentine’s Story

Let me introduce myself. My name is Valentine. I lived in Rome during the third century. That was long, long ago! At that time, Rome was ruled by an Emperor named Claudius. I didn’t like Emperor Claudius, and I wasn’t the only one! A lot of people shared my feelings.

Claudius wanted to have a big army. He expected men to volunteer to join. Many men just did not want to fight in wars. They did not want to leave their wives and families. As you might have guessed, not many men signed up. This made Claudius furious. So what happened? He had a crazy idea. He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army. So Claudius decided not to allow any more marriages. Young people thought his new law was cruel. I thought it was preposterous! I certainly wasn’t going to support that law!

Did I mention that I was a priest? One of my favorite activities was to marry couples. Even after Emperor Claudius passed his law, I kept on performing marriage ceremonies — secretly, of course. It was really quite exciting. Imagine a small candlelit room with only the bride and groom and myself. We would whisper the words of the ceremony, listening all the while for the steps of soldiers.

One night, we did hear footsteps. It was scary! Thank goodness the couple I was marrying escaped in time. I was caught. (Not quite as light on my feet as I used to be, I guess.) I was thrown in jail and told that my punishment was death.

I tried to stay cheerful. And do you know what? Wonderful things happened. Many young people came to the jail to visit me. They threw flowers and notes up to my window. They wanted me to know that they, too, believed in love.

One of these young people was the daughter of the prison guard. Her father allowed her to visit me in the cell. Sometimes we would sit and talk for hours. She helped me to keep my spirits up. She agreed that I did the right thing by ignoring the Emperor and going ahead with the secret marriages. On the day I was to die, I left my friend a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. I signed it, “Love from your Valentine.”

I believe that note started the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine’s Day. It was written on the day I died, February 14, 269 A.D. Now, every year on this day, people remember. But most importantly, they think about love and friendship. And when they think of Emperor Claudius, they remember how he tried to stand in the way of love, and they laugh — because they know that love can’t be beaten!


What Women Want From Men

Today’s women have achieved more than their great grandmothers could have ever imagined. Women are in politics, women are in space; women are excelling in every career imaginable. Women today are strong, independent and sexually liberated; Gloria Steinem would be proud.

Despite the females social evolution, however, you may be surprised to learn that women actually still enjoy being treated like women, and they still appreciate a little chivalry now and then. Cliche as some of these tips sound, they will score you big points with any lady who enjoys being treated well.

The following is a list of what women want from men.

What women want…

Return her messages

Many women gauge a man’s interest level by how long it takes him to respond when she contacts him. If his response time is poor, she might assume he’s just not that into her. Now, it’s no secret that women and men have differing opinions on what constitutes good communication, and we’re not saying you need to drop everything the minute she calls. She knows you’re a busy man; she’s busy too. What women want from men is a call back as soon as they’re able, as opposed to sometime the following day. This doesn’t mean you have to send an e-mail or a text of epic proportions if you don’t have time; a sentence or two will suffice to make her feel like you care — which is all she really wants to know.

Kiss her for no reason

As much as they love sex, women also enjoy a nice, deep kiss that doesn’t have any strings attached. This serves two purposes: It lets her indulge in kissing for the sheer pleasure of it, and it also tells her you want her, and not just sex. Yes, you’re charming and sexy and she loves being naughty for you, but sometimes she needs a different type of connection. To really do what women want from men, try a surprise kiss for no reason at all; she’ll love you for it. Combine this with a little hand-holding and she’ll be smiling for days.

Dance with her

Simply put, dancing with a woman makes her feel special. Unfortunately, most men are reluctant to put their dancing shoes on, especially in a public setting. Guess what? While she’d probably welcome the idea, you don’t need to visit a nightclub to dance with your woman. She’ll be just as thrilled if you slipped a little Marvin Gaye on and danced with her in the living room. This would actually be to your advantage, as you have total control over the music. You’re also conveniently located if the dancing starts to get dirty…

Dress up for her

Dressing up to take your woman out is an excellent way to impress her. It’s not about the clothes; it’s about the fact that you find her worth dressing up for. It lets her know that you think she’s worth that kind of effort. Besides, a nice shirt and dress pants can increase your sex appeal by leaps and bounds; you may feel overdressed, but your hotness factor will have magnified exponentially. It’s true what they say: Women really do love a sharp-dressed man.

Remember random milestones

As a rule, birthdays and anniversaries should always be remembered; forgetting something of this magnitude will send the message that you don’t find her terribly important. After all, she probably memorized yours early on in the relationship, so if hers goes unnoticed, she’ll be utterly heartbroken. Here’s how to do what women want from men: To truly impress her, aim to remember the insignificant dates, as well as the big ones. The first time you told her you loved her, the first time you kissed, the first place you vacationed together, what she was wearing the first time you met — any one of these will turn her to jelly and score you more bonus points than you can shake a stick at.

Take on an activity with her

What women want from men is to spend time with their man outside of the bedroom. They want to experience life with their man, and this is one of the best ways to develop a three-dimensional relationship. Don’t worry; we’re not recommending you join her yoga class; rock-climbing, hiking, tennis or cycling are activities both of you can enjoy. If neither of you are the sporty type, try something else that you already excel at. Teach her how to swing a 9-iron or to shoot pool — she’ll love the personalized attention.

Propose a visit to her family

Women love it when a man gets along with her friends, but she simply adores it when he gets along with her family. Even if you’re not particularly fond of her busybody mother and father, suggesting a visit (even just a yearly one) can really make your woman’s day. It lets her know you recognize the importance of family. This is truly the kind of suggestion that leads to a warm and fuzzy feeling, so don’t be afraid to suggest it.

It’s the little things…

When it comes to what women want from men, the little things really do matter. The items on this list aren’t particularly difficult or time-consuming, but they are, unfortunately, very often overlooked by men. This often leads a woman to feel neglected, which in turn nagging to nagging and other problems. Make her feel special, and she’ll go to the ends of the earth for you; try one of these suggestions, and she’ll feel like you’ve already gone there and back for her.


Make Her Feel Desirable

Whether you’re going out on your 2nd date or your 70th, making the woman you’re with feel desirable is crucially important. Women expend a lot of energy trying to attract and maintain male interest. They buy makeup and clothes; they fret over their appearance and their conversation skills. They work hard for our affection, and all they want in return is for us to acknowledge the effort. Your goal, then, as a man, is to make her feel desirable.

Making her feel desirable will give a woman a sense of security and boost her confidence in your relationship. Better still, when you make her feel desirable, she’ll reward you for it. Nothing turns a woman on like knowing that she’s wanted, so your efforts will pay off. If you want to add an extra spark to your love life, follow these tips and make her feel desirable.

Dress to impress

The first step to making her feel desirable is to make sure you look good. It may seem counter-intuitive, but women appreciate it when you try to look your best for them — it shows a woman that you’re trying to impress her. When you’re going out on a date, put some effort into your appearance. Put on a clean shirt and make sure you’re properly groomed. Try to look and smell your best. Your date will notice, and the longer you’ve been together, the more she’ll appreciate the effort.

Give her specific compliments

Try your hardest to notice when she cuts her hair or buys a new dress. If you’re not sure if the top she’s wearing is new, ask her. Even it’s one she’s had for years, you’ll still get the opportunity to tell her she looks great, and she’ll be flattered that she can still get your attention while wearing her old standards.

Whatever you do, be specific: saying she looks “nice” isn’t going to cut it. Tell her you like her earrings, the color of her dress, whatever; just point out something specific that you like about her appearance. It will make your compliment seem more genuine.

Kiss like you mean it

Early on in the dating process, couples kiss with urgency. They kiss with enthusiasm and wonderment. Early on, kissing is fun. After a while, we often get stuck in a kissing rut, trading in soulful make-out sessions for quick pecks.

Try this: Every so often, instead of the one-second smooch, wrap your arms around her and really kiss her. Kiss her like you mean it. Try for at least 10 seconds. It will absolutely make her feel more desirable, and as an added bonus, it will probably get you laid more often.

Send flirtatious texts

Flirtatious texting is a quick and easy way to make her feel desirable. Whenever you get the chance, whether you’re on your lunch break or waiting to get your hair cut, take a second to shoot her a flirtatious text. Tell her that you can’t stop thinking about her. Compliment her again on her appearance the last time you saw her.

The more serious the two of you are, the more explicit you can be. Just remember, under no circumstances should you be sending women texts that read “how r u?” or “what’s up?” — text like a man, not like a 14-year-old girl.

Give in to temptation

You can also make her feel desirable by initiating sex whenever the thought crosses your mind — even if it seems inconvenient (like when you’re running late for a party). By spontaneously initiating sex, you’re telling the woman in your life that she is irresistible. You’re demonstrating that sex with her is more important than work, sleep or food. You can’t wait until Saturday night: You have to have her now!

Let her catch you staring

Yet another way to make her feel desirable is to let her catch you staring. Obviously, you don’t want to ogle your date like a weirdo, but don’t be afraid to let your eyes linger once in a while. If you’re just getting to know a girl, use this strategy sparingly. Spending too much time talking to her chest during dinner won’t make her feel more desirable, it will make you look like a pervert. Just sneak a peak when she’s not looking. She’ll likely catch you, and so long as there’s no drool running down your chin, she’ll take your attention as a compliment.

The keys to her spark

A little spontaneity is all you need to make her feel desirable. Women (just like men) like to feel appreciated, and with relatively little effort — a text here, a 10-second kiss there — you can ensure that she always knows how much you want her.


10 Ways To Love Her In The Shower

So, you and your lover have conquered every other domain of your house: the bedroom, the living room, the rec room, the laundry room, the kitchen table, the kitchen counter tops. Now what? Or rather, where?

Well, one of the most likely places to find her in the buff and half way ready is the bathroom. You can keep your lovemaking fun and playful by leading her into the bathroom, or you can surprise her by jumping into the shower to help her with the cleansing experience. Either way, you better make sure the tub is scrubbed; nothing can turn a woman off faster than soap rings and mildew. While you’re at it you might as well clean the entire bathroom. Point to note: Women are turned on by a man who cleans.

Now, we are not talking about Roman orgy-sized baths, neither are we talking about Jacuzzi water sports. For practical purposes, I have limited this list to water sports in the conventional, bathtub/shower combination found in most homes and apartments.

As with most sports, there are safety issues. With water sports in the shower the key issues are footing and lube.

1- The leg lift

This position allows for the couple to face each other. She leans her back against the wall while you hold her knee in the crook of your elbow. Depending on height, as I’m sure you’re taller than you’re partner, initial penetration may be an issue. At first, you should bend at the knees to gain access. Also, if you both want to enjoy the falling water it is best for the female to lean against the wall with the showerhead.

2- Standing doggy

In this position, the female bends over and clutches the rim of the tub. Her knees should be slightly bent to maintain balance and to absorb some shock. You should hold on to her hips, and occasionally caress her body (along her spine, her abs, her breasts). Again, if you both want to enjoy the water, the female should be facing the faucets. This allows the water to fall on the small of her back and hit your lower torso. The steady stream of water on your jewels will be amazing.

3- Standing doggy (alternate)

In this position, she stands facing a wall with her arms raised and pressed against it. Her lower back will have to be arched, thrusting her butt towards you. You can get up close and hold her hands against the wall or you can hold her hips. If you decide to hold her hips, balance becomes your responsibility and you might want to place a foot on the edge of the tub.

4- Oral obsession

Since you’re both clean and fresh, why not take advantage of it and please each other orally. Either one of you could drop to your knees to please the other, but unlike dry land, you can’t put a pillow under your knees to make the experience more comfortable. I suggest the person receiving stand on the edge of the tub, holding onto the shower rod with one hand and the wall with the other for balance. The person giving may have to bend slightly, but at least they aren’t on their knees. This technique also lends itself to an incredible amount of access to the lower regions. Two points of caution: don’t fall and don’t drown.

5- Moving mountains

The shower definitely lends itself to the opportunity; hopefully your girl is up and down for it too. You have plenty of water and plenty of soapy lube, so go for it. After her breasts and your member are all lathered you’re pretty much set. You might have to try a couple of different positions to decide which you like best. She can go down low, providing a steady place for you or you can go up high, standing on the edge of the tub once again. The advantage of being up high is that she can provide a little more movement and it is more comfortable for all.

In the case that you don’t know: with the palms of her hands placed on the external portion of her breasts, she pushes towards the middle of her chest; with her fingers she lays a bridge across the crevice, which will keep your member contained below.

6- The prologue

I realize that the previous has been suggested under the assumption that you’re getting some. However, you might have to work to get there. This does not mean that we abandon the bathroom, though we may have to plan an ambush to get her in a more willing mood.

While she’s out, clean the toilet. Now place plenty of scented candles around the bathroom: on the closed toilet, on the sink, on the shelves, on the rim of the tub, everywhere, giving the bathroom a nice romantic glow. Draw a hot bath and add some nice bath oils once it’s filled. Next — and no, it’s not a waste — scatter some rose petals into the bath and let some fall to the floor as well. I would stay away from incense. There will be enough aromas from the candles and oils and there is no need to pollute the air with smoke.

When she arrives from her stressful day, invite her to join you in this sanctuary. I’m sure she’ll accept and reward you for you efforts.

7- Manual manipulation

“What you talkin’ bout masturbation? I ain’t doin’ that.” Yeah, yeah, yeah. She likes it. She likes seeing you masturbate. It turns her on. So get over yourself and enjoy it.

You can do it solo (each of you enjoying the sight of your partner getting off) or you can do one another.

There is a lot you can do in this department, but I would highly recommend an investment in a detachable massage showerhead. Lube up her butt cleavage, stand behind her and place your package in that cleavage. Use one of your hands to caress her breasts and with the other, aim the showerhead at her clitoris. Let her fingers do their magic.

8- Backdoor fun

I had a friend in high school who was worried that if he desired anal sex (with a woman) it somehow meant he had homosexual tendencies. I don’t, and never did, see the connection.

Again, the shower, with all its cleansing power, lends itself to the possibility of anal adventures actually happening. If you’ve ever encountered the excuse, “I don’t feel clean enough,” or “I haven’t prepared for this,” then the shower has become your new best friend. Of course, no matter how you propose this, the decision is all hers. Just try to present it as a fun thing and don’t appear too desperate or you might run the risk of getting nothing at all.

I recommend, obviously, one of the standing doggy styles.

9- Take a break on the edge

We all love it when she takes control of the movement. I suggest that you take a seat on the edge of the tub and let her lower herself onto you, with her back to you. You’ll have to hold the edge of the tub for balance (you can’t hold her or you will interrupt her movement). She will have to support herself on your knees with her hands and she will have to use her arms and legs to move herself up and down.

10- Monkey business

As members of the primate species, we might as well partake in the grooming ritual. Of course, it is more fun for us humans. It’s time to break out the razor and shaving gel. I hope you trust each other well enough to do this, as it is very intimate and fun. Plus, it makes oral sex that much more pleasurable.

Slippery when wet

Hopefully these lessons help you in perfecting your skills in water sports. As I mentioned earlier, there are precautions. Water tends to dry up natural lubrication, so be sure that you are prepared with some lubes from the shop. Also, footing is an issue. You need footing to properly give thrust, so you might want to invest in those adhesive grips for the bottom of the tub. Be safe and have fun.


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